Life changes, such as those with your family situation, a new vehicle purchase and other factors means that it may be time to sit down and discuss if a change is needed to your car insurance. Buying auto insurance should not be seen as a one-time deal; changes in your personal circumstances warrant no less than an annual review with your auto insurance provider to make sure that the coverage you have is adequate for your present driving needs.
There are several situations or circumstances in your life that warrant a change to your car insurance protection. These circumstances may include:
- A change in your marital status (i.e. marriage, divorce)
- The purchase or lease of a new vehicle
- A recent move or address change
- The addition of another household driver
- Starting a home-based business
An in-depth look at these circumstances can help you decide if the time is right to contact your Airline Insurance agent and discuss a change to your current car insurance policy.
Marital Status Change
You just got married. This means your spouse may have separate coverage with another insurance company or may need to be added to the car insurance you presently have in the household. This may also hold true if you separate or divorce a spouse, where an update is needed on your auto insurance policy. Whatever the reason, the change in your marital status is a signal to make the necessary changes to your car insurance.
A New Car Purchase Or Lease
The auto insurance you have on your old car will need to be changed to reflect any new car purchase or lease you obtain. Safety features, such as all passenger air bags, automatic braking systems, daytime running lights and other advances, help lower accident rates and can correspond with lower premiums.
Change In Address
Did you move? A change in address — or, more importantly, zip code — can correspond with different auto insurance rates. Geographical factors, such as your zip code, represent one of the risk factors a car insurance company considers in its premium pricing. If you move, or contemplate a move, it is important to talk with your Airline Insurance agent to determine how it impacts your car insurance.
Adding A New Driver
New drivers, especially teens, affect your auto insurance. An additional driver with less experience on the road could result in a higher premium for you. When adding a new driver to your household, a change must be made to your car insurance policy.
Starting A Business
Operating business or engaging in a “gig economy” job that involves use of your car as a business vehicle requires a hard look at your car insurance coverage. Your auto insurance coverage may not properly cover those risks associated with the use of a personal vehicle for business purposes.
This is not an exhaustive list of the circumstances that should prompt you to make changes to your auto insurance protection. A discussion with an insurance provider will help you uncover what situation or recent change in your life warrants a look at your present car insurance coverage.
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